Pure Romance by Christie Mayers

My vision is to connect with women in a safe, fun environment, to educate them about the pleasure of intimacy and to share with all women the possibility of a financially free future.

Recently I got to thinking about what Pure Romance means to me and how it has changed not only my life, but that of my families lives, and those I have had the privilege of helping along the way.

Three years ago I was a stay at home mother of 3 girls with a few friends. I spent my days raising my 10 month old and running the other two to school. While I was loving spending time with my daughter, I knew the bills were beginning to get the better of us and that I was quite lonely. I also knew that I didn’t want to go back to working for someone else where I wasn’t appreciated for my efforts or my time spent away from the kids. So I had to come up with something.

At this time I was invited out for a rare girl’s night. Now while I had never heard of Pure Romance at the time, I knew what the product range was and figured I could do with a laugh. And laugh I did! I went home that night with an idea. I could solve all of the problems I had at the time. I could work nights while the kids were asleep. I could make a couple of hundred dollars a week if I needed it to pay those bills and I could laugh…at work! Most of all, I realised I could also help people. Helping people makes me smile.

Was I scared of failure, of being laughed at, of being ridiculed, or of giving up because it was too hard? Yes. But I believe in the message that Pure Romance is sharing with women across the world, and I am passionate about sharing that message and opening up peoples view on sexual health, sexuality and intimacy. Was it easy? There are always ups and downs in any business, and mine is no exception. But I have the support of an amazing company, and sister consultants who inspire me to be the best that I can be, and to keep pushing myself. And whenever I need it, they are a great source of strength.

So here I am now. Did I make some money? Yep, I earn a full time income for less than 15 hours work each week, and my bonus income pays my mortgage. Did I laugh? Always! I get to have fun, play games and share excitement at my parties. I have learned to laugh more with my children and my husband. I don’t have to slave my life away at the office missing all of life’s pleasures. And did I help people? Yes, I have helped teach women that they are normal, and I have helped women be able to share with their partners what it is that they want in the intimate relationship, and I continue to help women build their own businesses each and every day so that they can have everything they dream of.

Pure Romance has made a significant difference to my world, and will remain with me for life. Rewards I can control. Recognition like I have never experienced and the ability to live, laugh and help women achieve whatever they need right now. I love Pure Romance!

Spas/beauty/personal care